tisdag 22 februari 2011

Motivational Video

Extreme Skate Skiing from David Sjoquist on Vimeo.

I have edited a short little motivational movie for my cousin, Jakob "Rycket" Stromner, and my father Per "Veteranen" Sjoquist. Apparently they have the same skis and I figured that a motivational video like this will make it even more fair in the mental game, adding to their high-elevation training and consuming of pasta.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Tack! Det var allt som behövdes.......

Rycket sa...

Skojar du med mig! Skulle jag bli motiverad av att se en amatör i solbrillor vara ute och söndagsåka på en åker? Jag spelar inte i gärdsgårdsligan!