onsdag 26 maj 2010

Picture Survey

In my work, I have been searching for the ultimate climbing picture -the one. The one that really inspires and motivates me. Over the years, I've found a lot of them and I'm gonna post each of them in "Veckans bild". I have already managed to post three of them and now I want to know which one of these is your favorite -which is the one that inspires you?

(Please answer in the survey down to the right)

Senior fitness: Attractive older woman attempting to climb a wall at the gym

Attractive blond reaching new heights, climbing on rock that is red in Utah

Two friendly mountaineers preparing for a climb

3 kommentarer:

lajfstajl sa...

I would have to go for the attractive blond, but I'm not sure it's motivating me to climb...

Sniken sa...

I go for the old wine! The young ones tend to be a bit sour and bitter...

Løftingsmo sa...

the old woman. that motivates me to climb the rest of my life.
peace out.dust
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