måndag 25 april 2011

First Test

New camera! Super psyched, BUT it feels like i don't really get what I'm doing(first time a own a "real" camera + really using one) - so far! I bought a Nikon D5100 and even if I know that what I'm doing with it could be done better, I'm happy with the result. Here is some pictures and a short little video (the video quality got WAY worse after using Windows Movie Maker, have to figure that out.)

söndag 17 april 2011

Sucking in Joe's 2

Documentation of another mountaineering adventure in Joe's Valley.

tisdag 12 april 2011

Sucking in Joe's Valley...

...is more or less what we have been up to the last couple of days, after a week of shitty weather in Utah. Anyway, here is a video of some of the body dragging we did.

Oh, sorry for the shit fuck video quality - hopefully, if it goes as planned, that IS going to change within the near future.

Beyond Life V10
Photo by Gustavo E Moser

måndag 4 april 2011

Surrounded by Mormons

...is easy to be if you are in downtown Salt Lake during the LDS General Conference, which I happened to be. I definitely felt extremely drained and confused after spending parts of the day in a crowd of creeps in suits, havent seen a Mormon, here is a buttload of them.